Sunday, 7 August 2011

Tales of Woe....

Hmmmm.....we do seem to have a couple little problems at the moment......

My media computer developed a networking driver problem so that I could
not connect to the internet. I tried all the usual stuff and finally an
XP repair. This all went well until I tried to log back on and it
required an activation before it would log me on but of course I can't
activate it until I can log on........Microsoft wins again!!!! Still
trying things...may require a rebuild. I still have 2 computers working
so it could be worse.

That means that I have been unable to update the web site until I move
it all to a spare computer.

So I thought I would update the Chronicles on I log on to
the blog website and find that it will only allow me to edit titles but
not the body text!!! This on 2 different computers and 3 different

That means the only way to update the Chronicles is via email, as I am
doing here,

I checked the Frig compressor a few days ago and find that it is leaking
more oil than it was so the seal is getting worse. It is 20 years old so
time for a replacement. It is a Frigomar manufactured in Italy. Hey we
are in Italy, should be no problem......I contact the factory and they
will send me one for 1500 euros yep one thousand and five hundred
euros...that must be close to $2000!!! The factory has now closed for
the August holidays. The short story is that I have found one in stock
in Malta (about 350 nm away). They even speak English there and the
price is .......... 650 euros.

Guess what.....we are sailing for Malta in the next few days. The winds
will blow in the right direction and it will be 3 nights at sea, heading
in the correct direction for our winter marina in Turkey. What could
go wrong........?

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