Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Arrrrrrh .... let me out of here.....

The marina entrance
It is now 3pm and we are still stuck in the marina.  The oil spill is from the tank explosion a few days ago. The wind was blowing from the east and blew the oil over to the Spanish side of the bay. The wind has turned around to blow from the west (just what we need to go east) and this has blown the oil back from Spain and onto Gibraltar, closing the marina!.  They keep on telling us that it should be open soon, all the port authority has to do is come around and remove the small amount of oil from the boom and we can leave. So far no action. 
We are not the only ones being affected, there are many others waiting to leave and some waiting to come in.
A small amount of oil is enough to hold us in Gibraltar!

The explosion and fire on the 31 st of May.

 The oil spill was caused when a fuel tank exploded in the port of Gibraltar,  near the Independence of the Seas, injuring 12 passengers.

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