Monday, 16 May 2011

Interesting Trip!!

The customs dog came onboard, gave us a good sniff and had a bit of a slobber and we were clear to leave Rabat at about 10 am, Friday May 13. The wind was light, as predicted, so we settled down to motor most of the 150 nm to Gibraltar and the anchorage at Spanish La Linea. Our course took us no more than 10 nm offshore so 3:30 am on Saturday morning found us stationary, caught in a fishing net. We lost about 2 hrs while I dived under the boat to free us.
All went well until we turned into the Gibraltar Strait, the wind was predicted to calm down to around 10 knots or less but it remained around 20 knots, dead on the nose! So we are motoring into a head wind and the waves. Water is going over the boat and our speed is right down. Yes the wind finally did what it was supposed to do....about 1 hr before we got into La Linea! Oh well anchored now and had Sunday as a rest day, now it's time to see if we can check into Spain. More later....
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm Spain! Unemployment rate of over 20%. I'm not convinced you guys are serious about getting a job.