Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The end is in sight

Not yet 'Land Ho', but we are now less than 100 miles away and expect to arrive in Rabat tomorrow morning. After the big winds and seas we experienced a few days ago, everything eased off last night to the point where we turned the engine on at 6.45 am. What a joy it was to be able to do that! We have been motoring all day in light winds.

We could be sailing of we had to, but our arrival in Rabat has created a few logistical difficulties we have not encountered before. Usually our only issue is that we arrive on daylight. But in Rabat we need to not only arrive in daylight, but at high tide or slack water and with seas no bigger than 2 meters! Also high tide or slack water are not always during daylight hours! The tide times are better tomorrow than on Wednesday, so we have decided to burn some diesel and just get there!

We have seen a lot of commercial shipping, much more than the rest of our trip and our AIS system has more than paid for itself. We know when ships are approaching and all their details including ships name. We even had a tanker call us the other night as our CPA (closest point of approach) was less than a mile. It is very comforting to know the big ships can see us as well.

Tomorrows bog will hopefully be sent from the marina, all going well.

Only 89 miles to go!

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